Massage Therapy at Wright Family Chiropractic in Parkersburg, WV

Therapeutic Massage at Wright Family Chiropractic
At Wright Family Chiropractic, massages are not just for comfort, they are for recovery! One of the easiest ways to relieve back pain, neck pain, and other spinal issues is therapeutic massaging. Dr. Wright has years of experience in this subtle chiropractic practice. These therapeutic massages help circulate blood to the area in question, or apply just the right amount of pressure for your needs on any particular day. Come visit us at Wright Family Chiropractic to experience our excellent therapeutic massage therapy and start your recovery today! Call us at 304-422-2301 or visit in person at 2301 Camden Avenue in Parkersburg, WV. Call Wright Family Chiropractic today at (304) 422-2301 or contact us online to schedule your appointment.
What to Expect from Therapeutic Massage
First and foremost, the greatest benefit of receiving therapeutic massage service at Wright Family Chiropractic is the massive pain relief you will experience as a result of our care. Many patients find therapeutic massage effective and beneficial. Afterward, it is natural for muscle tenderness to occur in the following days. There is the potential for a disoriented feeling when the massage has ended, so do not be alarmed. This is completely normal, and the feeling should be gone in a short period of time. With the amount of toxins leaving your body, it is natural to become dehydrated after treatment. It is imperative to drink plenty of water after treatments.
Why Wright Family Chiropractic?
Therapeutic massage therapy is a vital part of any recovery process and should be entrusted to the experts. When you are facing issues with any part of your spinal cord or musculoskeletal system (bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles), your health is too important to put in the hands of anyone but an expert. Dr. Dustin E. Wright is the expert that you need! A Parkersburg native, Dr. Wright returned to his hometown in 2012 to after earning his Doctorate from Logan College of Chiropractic and opening Elite Chiropractic in 2009. Therapeutic massage therapy is one of Dr. Wright’s specialties—come see him now for the beginning of the rest of your comfortable new life.